Pad foundations are typically used for modular buildings or steel framed buildings where the nature of the structure means that they only need support in isolated points known as point loads, A pad foundation is created by excavating a hole to a size and depth as specified by the engineer and is always excavated down to firm, load bearing ground. The pad is then mass filled with concrete up to ground level. In some cases reinforcing mesh is added to the concrete if called for by the design.
Piers often constructed using blockwork or paving slabs are then built on the pads to create plinths on which the structure then sits. This method creates airflow under the building ensuring the air beneath doesn’t become damp and mouldy.
In the case of steel framed buildings. we accurately place holding down bolts into the concrete before it sets. This allows the steel frame to be bolted securely to the foundation. In steel framed building where loadings can be quite high, it is not uncommon for the pads to be supplemented by some form of pile. Such as-
- Steel cased driven piles
- Concrete driven piles
- CFA augered concrete piles
In tandem with our trusted supply partners, we can facilitate any type of pile install that may be called for by the designers.